Saturday, December 5, 2015

IntelliJ IDEA Application Server Integration

This is a short tutorial on integrating application servers with IntelliJ IDEA 15. Tomat is used as the application server in this tutorial.

One needs to do the following thing to use IntelliJ IDEA with an application server (e.g. Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, etc.)

1. Developing the applications
2. Defining an application server in IntelliJ IDEA
3. Creating a server run/debug configuration
4. Running or debugging the server
5. More development, i.e. adding code, changing code.
6. Updating the server with the changes.

Defining an application server in IntelliJ IDEA

It means to create an application server definition specifying an application server installed on the workstation. Basically it tells IntelliJ IDEA what application server (e.g. Tomcat, WebLogic), which version, installation home directory, etc.

(To start the Settings dialog, press Ctrl-Alt-S)

(search the embedded Help with "Defining application servers in IntelliJ IDEA" for more information.)

Creating a Server Run/Debug Configuration

It is similar to create a stand-alone Java program run/debug configuration. Basically such a configuration contains information about the following things:

1. the application server (as defined in "Defining an application in IntelliJ IDEA")
2. ports for the server to listen on
3. applications to be deployed to the server
4. context root of each of the applications
5. scripts to start and shutdown the server

(To access the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, click the IDE menu Run | Edit Configuration ...)

(Search the embedded Help with "Working with Server Run/Debug Configurations" for more information.)

Running or debugging the server

Updating the server with the changes

Make sure on the Server tab of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, Update classes and resources is selected for On 'Update' action. After code changes have been made, click the Update button on the Run tool window to update the server with the changes.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

AmbiguousTableNameException and NoPrimaryKeyException from DBUnit

Recently I wrote some JUnit tests with DBUnit. The first problem encountered was the exception:

org.dbunit.database.AmbiguousTableNameException: INFOCODE.

 Looking into the DBUnit source code, I figured out that actually INFOCODE is a table name in my database and DBUnit thought that there were more than one tables with that same name. (The database is large and I am not familiar with all tables. So my first though was that INFOCODE is a code used by DBUnit to tell something. It is worth of pointing out that my unit tests and the code to be tested never access the INFOCODE table.) If the exception were named DuplicatedTableNameException, it would help more to figure out the problem sooner. Then it came up to me that my database has multiple schemata and some of them have a table with identical name. Searching DBUnit documentation yielded a solution: passing the desired schema name as an argument to the DatabaseConnection constructor.

 IDatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(sqlConnection,  schemaName); 

 where sqlConnection is a javas.sql.Connection, and schemaName is the name of the desired schema. (IDatabaseConnection is DBUnit's database connection interface)

The second problem was the exception:

org.dbunit.dataset.NoPrimaryKeyException: ACCOUNT

ACCOUNT is the name of a table that my code accesses. My database is an old one and no primary key is defined for that table. The DBUnit document does address this problem. The solution, however, is partly incorrect and lacks necessary details. Looking into the DBUnit source code helped to find the right solution:

DefaultColumnFilter columnFilter = new DefaultColumnFilter();
columnFilter.includeColumn("accountId"); // telling DBUnit to treat the named column as primary key
connection.getConfig().setProperty(DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_PRIMARY_KEY_FILTER,  columnFilter);
where connection is a DBUnit IDatabaseConnection.

By the way, the JUnit tests do not have to extend any DBUnit class or to implement any DBUnit interface. Data can be inserted into, deleted from, and read from database using statements like:
DatabaseOperation.INSERT.execute(connection, dataSet); 
DatabaseOperation.DELETE.execute(connection, dataSet);
ITable accountTable = connection.createQueryTable("account table", "SELECT * FROM account WHERE accountId = 'myAccountId'");
where dataSet is DBUnit IDataSet.

The appendix below gives sample code to construct IDataSet from data in xml files.

Appendix – Load Data from xml Files on Classpath
public static IDataSet importData(String path) {
    InputStream iStream = instance.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
    if (iStream == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("In valid file path: " + path + ". The path must be on classpath.");
    InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(iStream);
    FlatXmlProducer flatXmlProducer = new FlatXmlProducer(inputSource);
    IDataSet dataSet = null;
    try {
        dataSet = new FlatXmlDataSet(flatXmlProducer);
    } catch(DataSetException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("In valid data in file: " + path + ".");
 return dataSet;

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Migrating a User Domain from WebLogic Server 11g to 12c

I had been running WebLogic Server 11g (i.e. 10.3.6) as a development server for a while. Recently I decided to upgrade to WebLogic Server 12c (i.e.12.1.2). The installation was easy. I however had a user domain with a couple of dozen services (e.g. data sources). It is quite tedious to manually recreate them in a newly created domain.

At first I just tried to copy the whole domain directory in WebLogic Server 11g to WebLogic Server 12c. It does not work. Then I tried to create a domain template from my WebLogic Server 11g and create a new domain in WebLogic Server 12c using that domain template. It does not work either. It turned out that domain templates from WebLogic Servers of different versions are not compatible. The way to make the “domain upgrade” is to use the WebLogic WLST tool. In short, I “exported” the server configuration from my WebLogic Server 11g, and “imported” it into my WebLogic Server 12c. The detail follows.

All examples in this article are pertinent for Windows under the following assumptions:
  • The home directory of the existing domain for WebLogic Server 11g is “C:\wl11gdomains\mydomain
  • The home directory of the new domain for WebLogic Server 12c is “C:\wl12cdomains\mydomain
  • Environment variable WL_HOME denotes the home directory of WebLogic Server 11g
  • Environment variable MW_HOME denotes the home directory of WebLogic Server 12c

“Export” Server Configuration Using WLST

Open a command window, run command:

It starts WLST, with prompt:

In the WLST shell, run command:
configToScript(‘C:/wl11gdomains/mydomain’,  'C:/wlconfig/',  'true', 'C:/wlconfig/', 'false')

It will create 4 files under C:\wlconfig
  3. c2sConfigemdevdomain
  4. c2sSecretemdevdomain

In order to import the configuration into WebLogic 12c, we need to overwrite part of the generated file (assuming the default weblogic username and password are “weblogic” and “password”):
  1. Replace “userName=” with “userName=weblogic”
  2. Replace “userName=” with “userName=weblogic”
  3. Replace “passWord=” with “passWord=password”
  4. Replace “domainDir=WLSTConfigToScriptDomain” with “domainDir=mydomain” 

If you want, you can also change the following properties:

  • adminServerName
  • domName

Install WebLogic Server 12c

Donwload the installation zip file, unzip it. The home directory will be referred to as %MW_HOME%
If not yet, install JDK 7, and set environment variable JAVA_HOME to the home of JDK 7. (WebLogic 12c required Java 7). Also set environment variable MW_HOME to the home of WebLogic 12c.

Open a command window. In the %MW_HOME%, run command:

The installation is done.

Create New WebLogic Server 12c Domain

Open a command window. cd into C:\wl12cdomains. Run command:

Then run command:

It starts the Configuration Wizard. Use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain and server with exactly the same name for the domain (and server) as the existing ones.
The domain is created.

At this point, you may want to add some third-party jar files (eg. JDBC drivers) to C:\wl12cdomains\mydomain\lib. You may also want to modify C:\wl12cdomains\mydomain\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd and C:\wl12cdomains\mydomain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd to set various Java options (e.g. debug port)

 “Import” Server Configuration Using WLST

Start the server with this domain. (It is optional, but better)
Open a command window. cd into directory C:\wl12cdomains. Run command:

Then run command:

It starts WLST, with prompt:

In the WLST shell, run command:

It will configure the new domain with all configuration of the old domain.


Appendix - Use Configuration Wizard to Create a New Domain 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Best Practices in Java Exception Throwing, Handling, and Logging


Exception Related Terminology

In an object-oriented program language such as Java, C#, and JavaScript, an exception is an object that represents an abnormal event. When one method (caller) calls another method (callee), they may communicate about what happened via an exception:
  1. A method may throw an exception to let its caller know that an abnormal event occurred. We call it exception throwing. 
  2. A method may propagate an exception thrown by its callee to its own caller by declaring that exception in its throws clause of method declaration.
  3. A method may translate an exception thrown by its callee into another exception, and throw the new exception (to its own caller)
  4. A method may catch an exception thrown by, or propagated from, its callee, or an exception thrown by it. When a method catches an exception, it may do something in response to the exception. Doing something in response to an exception is called exception handling.
If an exception goes through the main method of a Java or C# program, the program crashes.

Why Throw and Handle Exception

Essentially, a method throws or propagates an exception to its caller to let it know something is wrong, and let the caller know it is time for it to do something to help (i.e. to handle the exception).
Obviously, in almost all cases, it is beneficial to handle exceptions to avoid:
  1. Program crashing
  2. Data corruption
  3. Resource hugging – hugging threads, unclosed database connections, unclosed socket connections, leaked memory, etc.
  4. No response or meaningless response to end users
  5. Any other ways to leave all or part of a system in invalid states.

Exception Throwing

Don’t Throw Exception When Nothing is Abnormal

Exception is supposed to be used to alert one’s caller that something is wrong and the caller should go through an exceptional flow path to handle it. Throwing an exception when nothing is abnormal just like raising fire alarm when you only try to tell your colleague that you need his/her help to make a copy. It works, but is wrong, confusing normal conditions with exceptional conditions. An exception handling flow path is not just another path. It costs much more in CPU time and other resources. It also confuses reader of the code, making it harder to see what the code really intents to do.

For more discussion, please see Item 57: Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Do Throw Exception When Something is Abnormal

In a programming language that does not have the exception support (i.e. the try/catch/finally construct), people tend to overload procedure (function, subroutine, method, etc) output (function return or output parameter) with error code. In such practice, certain values of the output are going to be interpreted as normal output and others as error code. There are many disadvantages in such practice:
  • It is more difficult to understand the procedures with output overloading of error code
  • The caller (client) must explicitly check the output to determine its appropriate response
  • Client code that handles the normal case and exception/error case tends to mingle together
The exception support in modern programming languages is just to overcome above problems. When we programming in a modern programming language, we should take advantage of its exception support and throw exception when something is abnormal.

Avoid Triggering Exception

When one (method) calls another method, the caller should be coded in such a way to avoid triggering exceptions thrown by the callee. If the callee does not throw exceptions, the caller don’t have to handle them, to propagate them, or to translate them. Following are ways to avoid triggering exceptions:
  • To avoid NullPointException,  make sure that an object is not null before invoke a method on it.
  • To avoid ClassCastException,  check type of the class to be casted using the instanceof operator before casting.
  • To avoid IndexOutOfBoundsException,  check the length of the array before trying to work with an element of it.
  • To avoid ArithmeticException, make sure that the divisor is not zero before computing the division.
In addition, frequently, a callee throws exception because arguments passed to it are not valid. To remedy such trouble, there should be good document about the callee in regard to what are valid arguments to it, and the caller should ensure the arguments are valid before pass them to the callee.
Similarly, end user input should be validate as early as possible, and the program should raise flag with sufficient information to the user as early as possible given certain user input are invalid rather than allowing the invalid input propagate down the stream further. The farther where a symptom shows up away from the root cause (here invalid user input), the harder to identify the real cause.

Checked or Unckecked Exception 

When one method throws an exception, that exception can be either a check exception or an unchecked exception. An exception that directly or indirectly extends java.lang.RuntimeException is an unchecked exception. An exception that directly or indirectly extends java.lang.Exception but not java.lang.RuntimeException is a checked exception. When one method throws a checked exception, it is mandatory for its caller to either catch the exception or propagates it to its own caller. All checked exception that a method may throw must appear in the throws clause of the method’s API. Initially it was thought best practice to only use checked exception because the benefits of easily seeing what exceptions can be thrown by a method and forcing the method’s callers to handle (or propagate) the exception. After many years of practices, a lot of Java programmers, include Joshua Bloch, Rod Johnson, and Bruce Eckel, came to realize that frequently a caller cannot really do much in handling exceptions thrown by its callee but is forced to have a certain amount of code to get around the mandatory. It costs developers’ time to add that code that doesn’t really do anything useful but clusters the code and confuses readers.

In short, my recommendation on determining between throwing checked or unchecked exception is as following:
  • A method should throw a checked exception when it can reasonably expect the caller to do something to recover from the exception.
  • A method should throw an unchecked exception when it can reasonably assumes the caller cannot do anything to recover from the exception
For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 58: Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errors and Item 59: Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

The IBM DeveloperWorks article Java theory and practice: The exceptions debate also provides a summary of the checked v.s. Unckecked exception debates.

Exceptions Should Be In Terms of Caller’s Perspective

The purpose for a method to throw an exception is to let the caller know that something abnormal occurred. That something must be in the caller’s perspective, in other words, at the same abstraction level as other things in the implementation of the caller. For example, I am using a computer. In this case, I am the caller and the computer the callee. I “call” the computer to do many useful things for me. If suddenly the computer, instead of doing something I expected, shows me some message like F^&*(%$HNBVFER2U74^$4, I won’t have any clue about what is going on and what I should do in response. If, instead, the error message is “The second RAM module is corrupted”, then I know much better what is going on and what I should do in response. The first error message may mean something tor an electronics engineer specialized in RAM but is not at the level of abstractions known by an ordinary computer user.

For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 61: Throw exceptions appropriate to the abstraction in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Exception Message

When one creates a new exception object, one passes a string message into the constructor. The message can be retrieve later to gain helpful information. It helps to have adequate information in the message to be written into log file and to help developers and administrators to reproduce and diagnose the exception later. Please note that such message is normally not for the caller to use because it is normally in natural language and it is hard for the caller (a program module) to understand.

For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 63: Include failure-capture information in detail messages in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Document Exceptions Thrown in Javadoc

For each method that throws checked exceptions, in its Javadoc, document each exception thrown with a @throws tag, including the condition under which the exception is thrown.

For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 62: Document all exceptions thrown by each method in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Exception Handling

When an exception is thrown by a method itself or its callee, the method may have to do one or more of the following to handle the exception:
  1. Do something to recover completely from the exception so its own caller does not have to notice the occurrence of the exception. It is ideal but rare.
  2. If the method cannot completely recover the system from the exception, do as much as possible to bring the system into a consistent state or roll it completely back to the original state, including release resources held for those operations that triggered the exception.
  3. If it is beneficial for its own caller to know the occurrence, it can re-throw the same exception, or wrap it in another exception and throws it as long as it is more appropriate. It is appropriate when the new exception can help its own caller to know better what happened from the caller’s perspective. Use Java 1.4 exception chaining mechanism to preserver root exception information.
  4. When it may help developers and system administrators on further investigating an exception and fixing the problem offline, log the exception, with stack trace, exception message,  and as much as possible details of the context (largely the state of “this” object and parameters to “this” method) where the exception is thrown by its callee or it. Most time, it is beneficial to do both logging and translation/wrapping (or re-throwing).

At lease a method at the top of the calling stack in that thread should log the exception to one or more log files. Usually only the method at the top of a calling stack in a particular thread should be allowed to halt the thread.

Recovering from Exceptions

In some cases, a method may recover from an exception. For example, inside a method, a trial has been made to open a network socket and an exception has occurred indicating that no socket could be opened. More trials can be made. If the later trial succeeded, the method recovered from its exception, and its own caller does not need to know the occurrence of the exception.

Mitigating Exception Impacts

In some cases, a method cannot completely recover from an exception. In such cases, the method should do as much as possible to:
  1. Bring the system into consistent state or the original state, so the system can keep running without corrupting data and late operations
  2. Release resources hold for the operations that triggered the exception. For example, in case of database exception, close the database connection to prevent database connection leaks. Other possible resources leaks are file handler leaks, socket leaks, memory leaks, etc. See more in the Release Resource in finally Block sub-section below. In such cases, most likely, the method should also need to let its own caller know the occurrence of the exception in order for its own caller to do its own share. If the original exception is equally at the same abstraction level of its own caller, re-throw the same exception. Otherwise, wrap the original exception into another exception that is at the abstraction level of its own caller and throw the other exception. Use Java 1.4 exception chaining mechanism to preserver root exception information.
For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 64: Strive for failure atomicity in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Release Resource in finally Block

In case that a method needs to release resources hold no mater exceptions are thrown or no, release the resources in the finally block of try/catch/finally construct. The finally block will be executed no matter the method finishes normally or with exception.

No Blank Catch Clause

In general, it is a very bad practice to have blank catch clause for exceptions. A blank catch clause does not really recover or mitigate an exception but prevents other from doing so. Only for rare cases, such practice is acceptable. Acceptable cases are:
  • exception during close JDBC ResultSet, Statement, and database connection
  • exception during close file, input or output stream, network socket
  • InterrupedException during thread sleeping

try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    // log the exception as a warning

Even in those cases, it is better to log the exception for later investigation.

For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 65: Don't ignore exceptions in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Exception Logging

Exception logging is for developers and system administrators to diagnosis the root problems and fix them. The logged information will be used offline. It is different from exception recovering and mitigating, which are done at runtime. Exceptions may be caused by incorrect user input or actions. There is almost nothing for developers and system administrators to do to fix the problems. Logging for such exceptions are not needed. Exceptions may be caused by limitations of system or network capacity, or problems of external systems. Logging such exceptions may help system administrators to have better idea about the capacity limitations and to plan for adding resources, or to communicate the problem with others who have control on the external systems. Exceptions may be caused by bugs in our own systems. Logging such exceptions is very helpful for developers to diagnose the root causes and fix them.

When log exception, try to include as much as possible information about the exceptions, include
  • Stack trace
  • Exception message
  • Data in the context – such as parameters to a certain method, state of a certain class.
  • All above for the nested exception, recursively.

Exception and Message to End User

Since every software application system is ultimately to server our end users, it is beneficial to think exceptions from the end users’ perspective. An exception means something is wrong. From an end user’s perspective, ultimately there are only two kinds of exceptions: user exceptions and system exceptions. A user exception is caused directly by a user with invalid input or incorrect action. End users are interested in this kind of exceptions because, if being informed, they can do something to correct them. For this kind of exceptions, the applications should provide enough information about the exceptions and hints to correct them to the end users, and should provide them the second chance to try. For on-line system, the system does not have to log such exceptions. For batch programs, such exceptions should be written into log files for end users, not for developers and system administrators, to read. System exceptions are not user-related, caused by bug in the application code, corrupted data in database, ill database management systems, ill network communication, or other external systems, etc. In short, they have nothing to do with what the end users have done and the end users can do nothing to correct them. All end users have to know about this kind of exceptions is that they occurred, no more details, particularly, not stack trace. Such exceptions have to be written into log files with as much as possible details for developers and system administrators to investigate. Stack trace of the exceptions should be included in the log files. Eventually, the thread in which a system error occurs should halt, with a brief message to the end user and a detail message in one or more log files for developers and system administrators.
It helps to have two top-level java exceptions for a system:  UserException and SystemException. Every thread started by our systems has to handle, at the top of the calling stack, these two kinds of exceptions if present.

Keep any information that might comprise security of the system out of message to end users.
It helps not to hard code message to end user in programming code. Instead, keep them in certain configuration files, such as Java properties file.

Don’t Create Custom Exception Unnecessarily

If possible, try to use exceptions in stand JDK, well-established libraries or framework, rather than create new custom exception. When a new custom exception is created, it takes time for other people to learn it. It also increases the size of our source code. Doing so only when it brings true benefits that existing exception classes cannot bring.

For more discussion on this issue, please see Item 60: Favor the use of standard exceptions in Chapter 9. Exceptions in Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Using Eclipse and sbt in Scala Programming

This is a tutorial on using the Eclipse IDE and the sbt build tool in Scala programming.

Eclipse is the most popular IDE in Java programming. It is also a great IDE in Scala programming. sbt is the default build tool for Scala projects, like Maven for Java projects. sbt brings the following benefits (among others):
  • Easy management of third-party libraries (inside and outside Eclipse)
  • Easy execution of all tests
  • Easy packaging of artifacts
Eclipse's built-in third-party library management is inconvenient. My other article discussed this issue.

This tutorial teaches how to use Eclipse and sbt together. It is assumed that the readers are Windows users.

Download and Install Eclipse

Download Eclipse Classic 4.2.1. Unzip it to a directory in your PC file system. That is all about Eclipse installation. To start Eclipse, double click eclipse.exe (it is under the eclipse directory).

Create an Eclipse workspace Directory

Simply create an ordinary directory, for example, C:\eclipse-4.2-workspace. Eclipse workspaces are major version specific. It means that you cannot use the same workspace with Eclipse 3.6 and 3.7. 3.6 and 3.7 are two different major versions. On the other hand, it is OK to use the same workspace for both 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. They are two different minor versions, but are still of the same major version (i.e. 3.6). For this reason, I like to put the Eclipse major version number in my workspace names.

Start Eclipse in the Workspace

Start Eclipse. When asked to select a workspace, select the desired workspace directory, e.g. C:\eclipse-4.2-workspace.

Install the Scala-IDE plugin

Scala-IDE is a plugin in Eclipse to develop Scala projects. To install it, with an Eclipse IDE started, click the Help menu and the Install New Software... menu item. On the Install dialog, click the Add button. On the Add Repository dialog, put in "Scala IDE" for the name field, and for the location field.

 It will enable Eclipse to work with Scala 2.10.0.

Download and Install sbt

Download and unzip it to your file system. Add the bin directory to your path environment variable.

Add sbteclipse to sbt

sbteclipse is a plugin in sbt to work with Eclipse. Go to the .sbt/plugins directory under your home directory, e.g. C:\Users\ted (for Windows 7). If the directory does not exist, create it. Find a file named plugins.sbt. If it does not exist, create it. Add the following line into it:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.1.1")

It will add the sbteclipse plugin version 2.1.1 into sbt.

Create a sbt Project

Under C:\learning, create a directory usesbt. It will be the project base directory. Under the usesbt directory, create a text file build.sbt, with the following content:

name := "SBT Learning"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.10.0"

libraryDependencies += "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "2.1" withSources()

libraryDependencies += "org.joda" % "joda-convert" % "1.2" withSources()

Note that there is a blank line between any two code lines.

For people unfamiliar with SBT, here is detailed explanation:

name := "SBT Learning"  - The name of this project is "SBT Learning
version := "1.0" - The project version is 1.0
scalaVersion := "2.10.0" - This project uses Scala version 2.10.0
libraryDependencies += "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "2.1" withSources() -  to add a third-party library joda-time (groupId: joda-time, artifactId: joda-time, version: 2.1)  to our project. SBT will also download the source code for joda-time 2.1 to our local cache (located under ${USER-HOME}\.ivy2, where ${USER-HOME} is a place holder for the user's home directory, e.g. C:\users\ted, on a Windows 7 PC)
libraryDependencies += "org.joda" % "joda-convert" % "1.2" withSources() - to add a third-party library joda-convert (groupId: org.joda, artifiactId: joda-convert, version: 1.2) to our project. joda-convert 1.2 is required for Scala programs that use joda-time 2.1.

Open a command window, cd into the usesbt directory. Run command sbt. You will see the following command output:

[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\ted\.sbt\plugins
[info] Set current project to SBT Learning (in build file:/C:/learning/usesbt/)

The > shows that you are in the sbt interactive shell.

In the sbt shell, run command eclipse. You will see something like below in the command window:

> eclipse
[info] About to create Eclipse project files for your project(s).
[info] Updating {file:/C:/learning/usesbt/}default-1d1d75...
[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ...
[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.1 ...

[info] Resolving org.joda#joda-convert;1.2 ...
[info] downloading ...
[info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] joda-time#joda-time;2.1!joda-time.jar(src) (2730ms)
[info] downloading ...
[info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] joda-time#joda-time;2.1!joda-time.jar (2309ms)

[info] downloading ...
[info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.joda#joda-convert;1.2!joda-convert.jar (296ms)
[info] downloading ...
[info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.joda#joda-convert;1.2!joda-convert.jar(src) (608ms)

[info] Done updating.
[info] Successfully created Eclipse project files for project(s):
[info] SBT Learning

Import a sbt Project into Eclipse

Now back to Eclipse. Click the File | Import... meu item.

On the Import dialog, select General | Existing Projects into Workspace. Click the Next button. Select C:\learning\usesbt as the root directory. Click the Finish button. 

Now you have a corresponding Eclipse project in the IDE. And you are ready to program in Eclipse.

Programming in Eclipse

Switch to the Scala perspective.

Create a simple Scala program that uses joda-time as in Listing-1.

Listing-1 - A Simple Scala Program
package jodatime.example

import org.joda.time.DateTime

object UseJodaTime extends App {  
    println(new DateTime)

To run the Scala program, open it on the Editor; right click the editor and, from the context menu, select Run As | Scala Application. The program will run, and output something like:


Updating Third-Party Libraries

When you need to add/remove/update third-party libraries, change the build.sbt file. Then in the sbt interactive shell, run command reload and eclipse. At last, in Eclipse, right click the project in Package Explorer, and click Refresh from the context menu.

Attach Third-Party Library Source

If you want to look into the source code of or debug through a third-party library, you need to attach its source code to the library. To attach the source code of the joda-time library, do the following:

  1. On Eclipse Package Explorer, right click the SBT Learning project, and from the context menu, select Properties.
  2. On the Properties for SBT Learning dialog, select Java Build Path from the left pane, and the Libraries tab on the right. Select the Source attachment node under joda-time-2.1.jar, click the Edit ... button. See Figure 1 Attach Library Source Code below
  3. On the Source Attachment Configuration dialog, select the External Location radio button, and click the External File button, browse the file system to select ${USER-HOME}\.ivy2\cache\joda-time\joda-time\srcs\joda-time-2.1-sources,jar, where ${USER-HOME} is a place holder for the user's home directory. ...and click the OK button. See Figure 2 Select The Path to The Source Code below.
Figure 1 Attach Library Source Code
Figure 2 Select The Path to The Source Code

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dissection of URL of HTTP Requests in Java Web Applications

Java web applications are request-driven. A client (i.e. a web browser) sends a HTTP request to a server (e.g. Tomcat) and gets a HTTP response back, and displays content of the response. Every HTTP request has a URL. This article is a brief explanation of the structure of such URLs.


A typical HTTP request URL is like:

It begins with "http" or "https" - the request protocol.

In above example, is the full host name of the server. The place can also been taken by the IP address of the server. If the protocol is http but the server port is not 80 (or the protocol is https but the server port is not 443), the port number has to be appended to the host name, like in Here 8080 is the server port.

In above example,  my-web-appliction is the context root of the web application. The way to specify the context root of a web application depends on the application server (e.g. WebLogic server). More details on this will come later.

In above example, my-servlet is the servlet URL. A servlet's URL is specified in the web.xml file for the web application (every servlet is declared in a web application). Details will come later.

In above example, param1=value1&param2=value2 are the request parameters. They are name/value pairs. Withing a pair, the name and value are separated by =, and pairs are separated by & (or ;). In this example, there are two request parameters, named param1 and param2, and their value are respectively value1 and value2. In a generic HTTP URL, this part is called a query string, and is separated from the main URL by a character ?.

Specifying Context Root of a Web Application  in Apache Tomcat

In Tomcat, the name of the base direction of a web application is the context root. For example, if the base directory of a web application is tomcat/webapps/mywebapp, where tomcat is the installation directory of Tomcat, the context root is mywebapp.

Specifying Context Root of a Web Application in JBoss Server

It is the value of the <module>/<web>/<context-root> element in application.xml.

Specifying Context Root of a Web Application in WebLogic Server

It is the value of the <context-root> element in weblogic.xml for the web applicaiton (i.e. in the same directory as web.xml for the web application)

Specifying Context Root of a Web Application in WebSphere Server

It is the value of the uri attribute of the <context-root> element in the ibm-web-ext.xml for the web application (i.e. in the same directory as web.xml for the web application)

Specifying  Servlet URL

An example (partial) web.xml for a web application:

